5 Tips for Local Businesses to Get More Google Reviews

This blog post will talk about five tips that local businesses should use to increase their number of Google reviews!
5 star reviews

A local business’s success is often dependent on its ability to get reviews. Google Reviews can be a powerful tool for local businesses, and it can help the business rank higher in search results and have a greater chance of being clicked on by potential customers.


This blog post will talk about five tips that local businesses should use to increase their number of Google reviews!


Social Media Presence


A great way to get more reviews is by increasing the businesses’ social media presence. Potential customers are more likely to trust a local business when they see that the company has an active Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook account. Use these channels to promote your business and request your followers for Google reviews. Facebook also allows users to rate and review the business on its platform, this feature is called Facebook Recommendations.


Regular Contact with Customers


Local businesses should prioritize communicating regularly with their customers, either through email or phone calls. Regularly communicating with customers is an easy way to ask clients if they are happy with the products and services provided by the business. This is an excellent opportunity to inform customers that the business is on Google and ask for reviews if they are happy with the service.


Sending a Survey


Send out short surveys to existing customers to get feedback about what they like (or dislike) about doing business with you. This information will help make sure that you are meeting the needs of your customers.


Encourage an Environment for Productive Customer Feedback


Create a space where client feedback is encouraged and appreciated by employees. You can encourage this environment by sharing positive customer reviews with your staff members and asking them to share examples of what they like (and dislike) about the business. This practice will motivate your staff to request clients to leave a review on Google.


Check Your Website


Make sure that your website is up to date with your Google reviews, as potential customers may check your website for customer feedback before committing to doing business with you. An easy way of ensuring this information is correct on your website is to include a widget that links directly to your Google reviews.


Google is constantly changing, so local businesses must stay on top of their review game by being aware of the trends in customer feedback and what they mean for small businesses! By implementing these five tips, local businesses can ensure that they get more reviews – which will help increase their local visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) and ultimately drive more traffic to their website!